What is a Gentlewave Root Canal procedure?

Gentlewave Root Canal, Gentlewave Root Canal Procedures and Benefits

We are proud to offer state-of-the-art treatments such as GentleWave to our patients. Sometimes patients ask us what is the GentleWave root canal procedure and why we recommend it? GentleWave is a minimally invasive option to standard root canal treatment. This patented technology uses acoustic energy to thoroughly cleanse and disinfect the root canal system.…

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How a Dental Dam Used in Dentistry Can Keep You Safe

dental dam used in dentistry

Key Takeaways: Enhanced Infection Control: Dental dams isolate the tooth being treated from the bacteria present in the rest of the mouth, significantly reducing the risk of contamination and infection during procedures like root canal therapy. Safety for Patients and Practitioners: By covering the mouth and lips, dental dams not only protect the patient from…

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Top Benefits of the GentleWave Root Canal Procedure

gentlewave root canal procedure

If a dentist recommends you for a root canal, understand that it will keep you from losing the tooth. Plus, with upgraded techniques, such as the GentleWave root canal procedure that we offer here at Ballantyne Endodontics, you can get a high-tech alternative to traditional root canals that provides the following benefits to patients and…

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How Do You Treat an Abscessed Tooth?

how do you treat an abscessed tooth

Sometimes patients ask, “how do you treat an abscessed tooth?” If you are asking that question, we hope this post will be reassuring. With prompt, professional care, a dental professional or endodontist can effectively treat an abscessed tooth. Any painful dental concern requires professional care, and this blog post is no substitute. It isn’t intended…

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How Long Does a Root Canal Take to Heal?

how long does a root canal take to heal

If your dentist told you that you need a root canal, chances are you have questions and maybe even a few concerns. Most patients want to know, “how long does a root canal take to heal?” We hope that providing some basic information helps you prepare mentally and physically for your upcoming root canal procedure.…

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Patient Story: When X-Rays Aren’t Enough

By: Dr. Sonia Chopra The saying goes “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” And in dentistry I say, “Don’t judge a tooth by its x-ray.”  Also, don’t assume the worst — give things a chancroot e.  That’s how I practice endodontics. I never say “never”, and I always give teeth a chance. I won’t…

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Patient Case: Saving a Child’s Tooth Trauma

tooth injury

By Dr. Sonia Chopra I have a story to share with you about a young boy who knocked out (avulsed) his front tooth when playing with a friend. When the tooth injury happened his mom was frantic and couldn’t find a dentist who could help them immediately.

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Patient Case: Give (Natural) Teeth a Chance

treatment of overextended gutta percha

By Dr. Sonia Chopra My patient, a 28 year old woman, came to me for a second opinion. Her tooth had been previously treated with a root canal, and now she was having pain when she bit down. She’d already been to another endodontist, and they had told her that there was nothing that could…

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GentleWave vs Traditional Root Canal Treatment

gentlewave vs traditional root canal

It’s a fact – root canals can help repair and save teeth that are infected or badly decayed. Many people who need a root canal are afraid of the procedure, mainly because they have heard it can be uncomfortable. Fortunately, a new root canal procedure, known as GentleWave®, can help people get the dental treatment…

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The Benefits of 3D Cone Beam X-Rays

cone beam x ray

In light of recent technological advancements, dental professionals now have access to 3D cone beam x-ray devices. This specialized x-ray device allows your endodontist to take a closer look at your teeth, bone, soft tissues, and nerves as needed to provide you with the highest quality of care. The difference between traditional x-rays and 3D…

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